Palmarosa essential oil 10ml

Palmarosa essential oil is sweet, rose-scented, slightly lemony, floral, and fresh. Its essential oil has a wonderful aroma for relieving stress and is also very good for improving skin conditions.

Palmarosa essential oil relieves anxiety, dissatisfaction, calms the senses, and is an uplifting oil. This oil helps to drive away negative thoughts and increases your self-love.

Due to its rose-like scent, palmarosa essential oil is commonly used in perfumery and creams.

Blends well with: lime, ylang-ylang, basil, lavender, lemongrass, bergamot, orange.


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Used to relieve inflammation and joint tension, and to strengthen the nervous system.

Palmarosa essential oil helps skin cells renew quickly, preventing and alleviating the signs of aging. Helps treat acne and heal wounds faster. Due to its warming and soothing effect, it is used in massage. It is also used to scent rooms. Suitable for oily skin, balancing it, but also suitable for mature and dry skin, moisturizing it.


Do not use essential oils undiluted. Pregnant women and young children should use essential oils with extreme caution. Do not leave essential oils within reach of children.

NB! Although the mentioned oil also has a food certificate, due to the responsibility of the cosmetic manufacturer, Nurme Looduskosmeetika OÜ does not share information and is not responsible for the use of the oil in food. Nurme confirms that the oil does not contain parabens, prohibited preservatives, dyes or UV filters.



Nurme elustiil väärtustab kehalist ja hingelist rahulolu ning loodusega kooskõlas elamist. Hea tervis saab suuresti alguse enda hellitamisest, naermisest ja elu nautimisest! Nurme ei tee kompromisse koostisosade ja kvaliteedi osas. Iga seep, kreem, šampoon, õli – kõik tooted on tehtud käsitsi, kasutades vaid parimaid tooraineid. Lisaks kodumaistele nurmetaimedele on Nurme toodetes ka väärtuslikud õlitaimed, mis aitavad nahal ja juustel üle elada karmi talve. Nurme kätte võid usaldada kogu oma pere juustest varvasteni. Nurmega võid koos minna sauna või nautida lõõgastavat vanni. Nurme on arvestanud nii emade ja isadega kui mõelnud ka pere kõige pisemate peale.


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